Sunday, April 27, 2008


Before the wedding we decided that our time here in Phoenix was done. Once we got back from our Honeymoon, we would start looking for new jobs in the Madison or Minneapolis/St.Paul areas. We would be so much closer to my family and his mother and out of the unbearable heat!

So, now we have put in our notices at work and just moving without jobs! We found that so few companies want to pay for relocation expenses, so they don't really look at people not in the area first. I have had phone interviews with 4 companies, but they all want in-person interviews as well, so I have 1 actual in-person inteview lined up the first Monday in May. It'll be rough because we will be leaving Phoenix Friday afternoon and just getting to WI on Sunday (if all goes well).

In order for me to be able to drive that long, I need to have someone to tag-team drive. Matt will be in his car and I in mine. So I have my niece flying to Phoenix Friday morning and riding back with us to help relieve when we need it.

We are both very excited about this move but please keep us in your prayers that the jobs pan out for us right now!

Until next time...

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